موسيقى وترجمة كلمات الأغاني

أُغنية (لاتغلط)

| كلمات: تركي | ألحان: طارق محمد |
ترجمة بواسطة الموقع

لا تَغلط، تعاتب حد، مو مهتم يسمع لك عتاب

لا عمرك، تنادي اللي، لو زلزل نداك الأرض، ما جاوب جواب

لا تَغلط، تعاتب حد، مو مهتم يسمع لك عتاب

لا عمرك، تنادي اللي، لو زلزل نداك الأرض ما جاوب جواب

عزي نفسك، لا يهينك داري في صدرك حنينك

مين يستاهل دموعك، كسرتك، عقدة جبينك ؟

عزي نفسك، لا يهينك داري في صدرك حنينك

مين يستاهل دموعك، كسرتك، عقدة جبينك؟

مين، مين، كل صدمة حب أنا، وانت وقلبي سالمين

لا تغلط، تعاتب حد، مو مهتم يسمع لك عتاب

لا عمرك، تنادي اللي، لو زلزل نداك الأرض ما جاوب جواب

أحبس جروحك بروحك، قل على الله شكوتي

لا يهز الضعف نوفك، أصحى تغلط غلطتي

أحبس جروحك بروحك، قل على الله شكوتي

لا يهز الضعف نوفك، أصحى تغلط غلطتي

لا ترجى الود من مفلس وداد، ما يزيد إلاعناد

أتركه يقدم جديده، كل شي له وقت عاد

لا تغلط، تعاتب حد، مو مهتم يسمع لك عتاب

لا عمرك، تنادي اللي، لو زلزل نداك الأرض ما جاوب جواب

لا تغلط، تعاتب حد، مو مهتم يسمع لك عتاب

لا عمرك، تنادي اللي، لو زلزل نداك الأرض، ما جاوب جواب

Don’t make a mistake and reproach someone, he doesn’t want to hear any reproach from you, that if you spent your whole life calling him, even if your talk to him was like an earthquake in the earth, he wouldn’t answer you!

Don’t make a mistake and reproach someone, he doesn’t want to hear any reproach from you, that if you spent your whole life calling him, even if your talk to him was like an earthquake in the earth, he wouldn’t answer you!

Keep your self-respect, don’t humiliate yourself, keep the tenderness inside your chest!
Who deserves your tears? Your sadness and broken heart? The great sadness you suffer (it appears as wrinkles on your forehead/ a furrowed brow)?
Keep your self-respect, don’t humiliate yourself, keep the tenderness inside your chest!
Who deserves your tears? Your sadness and broken heart? The great sadness you suffer?

Who deserves? Who? The most important thing after every love shock, you, me, and my heart are safe!

Don’t make a mistake and reproach someone, he doesn’t want to hear any reproach from you, that if you spent your whole life calling him, even if your talk to him was like an earthquake in the earth, he wouldn’t answer you!

Keep your wounds inside your soul, and say “I complain to Allah about my condition”
Do not let weakness move even by the size of a hair on your clothes, be careful, do not make a mistake, as I made!

Keep your wounds inside your soul, and say “I complain to Allah about my condition”
Do not let weakness move even by the size of a hair on your clothes, be careful, do not make a mistake, as I made!

Don’t ask for love from a kindless person, it will only make things worse with him, only stubbornness. Leave what’s new in him, become old, and remember, everything has its time!

Don’t make a mistake and reproach someone, he doesn’t want to hear any reproach from you, that if you spent your whole life calling him, even if your talk to him was like an earthquake in the earth, he wouldn’t answer you!

Don’t make a mistake and reproach someone, he doesn’t want to hear any reproach from you, that if you spent your whole life calling him, even if your talk to him was like an earthquake in the earth, he wouldn’t answer you!

“Furrowed brows” is a facial expression that conveys negative emotions. It’s usually made by someone experiencing things like pain, anger, or sadness. It occurs when someone’s eyebrows move closer together, making wrinkles in the space between them and also sometimes on their forehead


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