موسيقى وترجمة كلمات الأغاني

أُغنية (الزمان)

ترجمة بواسطة الموقع

ألا ليت الزمان يَعود يوماً (يَعود يوماً)
وأغير في سما عمري قراري

ألا يا واقعاً قد صار حُلماً (قد صار حُلماً)
غصب ما كان هذا هو خياري

ألا ليت الزمان يَعود يوماً (يَعود يوماً)
وأغير في سما عمري قراري

ألا يا واقعاً قد صار حُلماً (قد صار حُلماً)
غَصب ما كان هذا هو خياري

مقالات ذات صلة

تَمنيتُ الفراق لو كان سِلماً (لو كان سِلماً)
ما هو بايدي ولا بايديك، داري، داري

نعاني في الهوى والبُعد ظُلماً
ولو كلٍ على الثاني يداري، يداري

تَمنيتُ الفراق لو كان سِلماً (لو كان سِلماً)
ما هو بايدي ولا بايديك، داري

نعاني في الهوى والبُعد ظُلماً
ولو كلٍ على الثاني يداري، يداري (أنا)

ألا ليت الزمان يَعود يوماً (يَعود يوماً)
وأغير في سما عمري قراري

ألا لو كان لي في الغيب عِلماً (في الغيب عِلماً)
ما كان اليوم لك في البعد طاري

رميتني بداءٍ ما كان سماً ( ما كان سماً)
دواي اللي ما كنت عنه داري، داري

ألا لو كان لي في الغيب عِلماً (في الغيب عِلماً)
ما كان اليوم لك في البعد طاري

رميتني بداءٍ ما كان سماً (ما كان سماً)
دواي اللي ما كنت عنه داري

ألا ليت الزمان يَعود يوماً (يَعود يوماً)
وأغير في سما عمري قراري

I wish time could go back one day (if time could go back one day)!
Then I will change a decision I made in my life!

You were a reality, and it became a dream (It has become a dream)
Against my will, it was not my choice!

I wish time could go back one day (if time could go back one day)
Then I will change a decision I made in my life!

You were a reality, and it became a dream (It has become a dream)!
Against my will, it was not my choice!

I wished for separation, if it were easy (If it were easy)
It was not in your hands, and it was not in my hands!

We suffer unfairly because of love, and being away from each other!
Even if each of us covers for the other in this matter!

I wished for separation, if it were easy (If it were easy)
It was not in your hands, and it was not in my hands (me)

We suffer unfairly because of love, and being away from each other!
Even if each of us covers for the other in this matter On the other hand, in this matter!

I wish that one day time would go back (if time goes back one day)!
Then I will change a decision I made in my life!

If I had known this before (This matter before)
There was no need for you to be in my life, and I would never have noticed it!

You threw me a disease, and it was poison (And it was poison)!
This poison was my medicine, I did not know it from you!

If I had known this before (This matter before)
There was no need for you to be in my life, and I would never have noticed it!

You threw me a disease, and it was poison (And it was poison)!
This poison was my medicine, I did not know it from you!

I wish that one day time would go back (if time goes back one day)!
Then I will change a decision I made in my life!

اظهر المزيد
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