موسيقى وترجمة كلمات الأغاني

أغنية (خلاص الماضي)

| كلمات: فيصل بن تركي | ألحان: صالح الشهري | ألحان الأغنية مع العود:راشد الماجد |
ترجمة بواسطة الموقع

خـلاص المــاضي ودعـتـه

خـلاص المــاضي ودعـتـه
مـحـيت ذكــراه مـن قلبـي
أنـا مـن باعـنـي بـعـتـه
ولا دربــه يـجــي دربــي

خـلاص المــاضي ودعـتـه
مـحـيت ذكــراه مـن قلبـي
أنـا مـن باعـنـي بـعـتـه
ولا دربــه يـجــي دربــي

مقالات ذات صلة

خلاص، خلاص، وخلاص، الماضي ودعته!

بـعـاند بكـل أحـاسـيسـي
وابـدى خـطـوة النـسـيـان
متـى مـا زارنـي طـيـفـك
أقـــولـه روح يـا خــوان

بـعـاند بكـل أحـاسـيسـي
وابـدى خـطـوة النـسـيـان
متـى مـا زارنـي طـيـفـك
أقـــولـه روح يـا خــوان

خلاص، خلاص، وخلاص، الماضي ودعته!

خـلاص المــاضي ودعـتـه
مـحـيت ذكــراه مـن قلبـي
أنـا مـن باعـنـي بـعـتـه
ولا دربــه يـجــي دربــي

صبـرت أكـثـر مـن الـلازم
صبـرت، ومـا بقـى بي حـيـل
وعمـري صـار بأسـبـابـك
بـقـايـا للـسـهـر واللـيـل

صبـرت أكـثـر مـن الـلازم
صبـرت، ومـابقـى بي حـيـل
وعمـري صـار بأسـبـابـك
بـقـايـا للـسـهـر واللـيـل

خلاص، خلاص، وخلاص، الماضي ودعته!

خـلاص المــاضي ودعـتـه
مـحـيت ذكــراه مـن قلبـي
أنـا مـن باعـنـي بـعـتـه
ولا دربــه يـجــي دربــي

خلاص، خلاص، وخلاص، الماضي ودعته!

The past is over!

The past is over, I have forgotten it from my mind!

The past is over, I have forgotten it from my mind, and erased its memory from my heart!

Me, who abandons my love, my eyes will never see him, in any way!

The past is over, I have forgotten it from my mind, and erased its memory from my heart!

Me, who abandons my love, my eyes will never see him, in any way!

It’s over, it’s over, it’s over, the past is gone!

I forcefully oppose every feeling I have, and begin the first steps of forgetting, and whenever your image crosses my mind, I say to him, “Go, traitor!”

I forcefully oppose every feeling I have, and begin the first steps of forgetting, and whenever your image crosses my mind, I say to him, “Go, traitor!”

It’s over, it’s over, it’s over, the past is gone!

The past is over, I have forgotten it from my mind, and erased its memory from my heart!

Me, who abandons my love, my eyes will never see him, in any way!

I was too patient, too patient, and I no longer had the energy to bear it

And my life is only for staying up late and at night, because of you!

I was too patient, too patient, and I no longer had the energy to bear it

And my life is only for staying up late and at night, because of you!

It’s over, it’s over, it’s over, the past is gone!

The past is over, I have forgotten it from my mind, and erased its memory from my heart!

Me, who abandons my love, my eyes will never see him, in any way!

It’s over, it’s over, it’s over, the past is gone!.

A.I. Poetic

Letting Go

The past is dust, a fading ember’s gleam, Erased from memory, a forgotten dream. No longer shall these eyes your image see, A heart now freed, wild and eternally.

The past is dust, a fading ember’s gleam, Erased from memory, a forgotten dream.

With iron will, I break these painful chains, And drown the echoes of your sweet refrains. A traitor’s image, banished from my mind, A new dawn breaking, leaving you behind.

The past is dust, a fading ember’s gleam, Erased from memory, a forgotten dream.

Exhausted patience, a weary, aching heart, Long, sleepless nights, torn us apart. Exhausted patience, a weary, aching heart, Long, sleepless nights, torn us apart.

The past is dust, a fading ember’s gleam, Erased from memory, a forgotten dream. No longer shall these eyes your image see, A heart now freed, wild and eternally. The past is dust, a fading ember’s gleam, Erased from memory, a forgotten dream.

اظهر المزيد
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